Thursday, March 5, 2009

Well Color Me Kandinsky!

Read below for information on Wassily Kandinsky, the Russian Expressionist painter who inspired Sunshine Graffiti's latest painting project! Check back soon for more images of the painter's work!

"Composition V", 1911

by Wassily Kandinsky. Oil on canvas, (639 x 446)

"I applied streaks and blobs of colors onto the canvas with a palette knife and I made them sing with all the intensity I could..." Wassily Kandinsky (1866-1944)

There is no point in studying the work of dead Russian painters, right? WRONG! Well, at least this art teacher thinks so! But what makes his work worth while and aesthetically appealing? What makes it so good? And who is this guy anyway? Read on...

Well, Wassily Kandinsky was...
  • Born in Moscow, Russia in 1866. At an early age, he learned to play the piano and the cello at a young age. Throughout his life, music had a huge impact on his paintings. How can you tell from the painting above? Does it have a rhythmic quality?

  • This painting was painted during troubled times before the First World War...but would you guess that from the bright colors that were used in this painting? Why do you think that he would paint such a cheerful painting in the middle of a horrible war? What feeling does this painting leave you with?
  • Kandinsky had an "inner necessity" to paint and express the emotions that he was feeling on the inside, which led to what is called, abstract or "non-representational art." Kandinsky is actually considered the founder of abstract art, (and that's a big job...just imagine the courage that it would have taken to break away from the painting style that everyone else thought was the right way to paint)! What does it mean to make something that is "non-representational?" Can a painting that represents "nothing" be just as beautiful as one that shows "something?"
  • Kandinsky was famous for his use of line and shape...look VERY closely at the painting above. What shapes can you pick out? How do his lines vary in weight, (thickness) and style?

Places on the web to check out more information about Wassily Kandinsky:
(Mr. Sunshine...please fill in the names and explanations of the site information that is missing below)

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