Monday, March 16, 2009

Art Pop - Pop Art

Girl with Hair Ribbon, 1965
Roy Lichtenstein

What is Pop Art and how did it start: Pop art started in Great Britain in the 1950's, during a period of economic boom after the Second World War. The movement made its way accross the sea to the U.S. in the 1960's. The movement was based on mass media images, such as packaging and advertising, which lead to a very commercial looking art...which was an opposing response to the artists painting before them: the Abstract Expressionists.d

What Sunshine Graffiti noticed about Roy Lichtenstein's after watching: Introduction to Pop Art
  • Used comic strips for inspiration
  • Paintings reflect action and love
  • Used bright, bold colors
  • Used heavy black outlines
  • Used dots to fill in spaces, (also called halftones), which were used in newspaper printing
  • Simple 2-D images look like one cell from a comic strip

Blam, (1962, Oil on Canvas)
Roy Lichtenstein

The Sunshine Adventure Begins: Lichtenstein used traditional art materials to create his images. In 2009, we have a lot more resources available to us that he did not. Sunshine Graffiti is capitalizing on all of the technological advances that we have made since Lichtenstein's death in 1997.

Adobe Photoshop is our tool of choice this week, but pop art is still our goal. We are learning a lot about the functions and process of the program by creating this image, but also a lot about the Pop Art movement by using Lichtenstein's stlye to help guide our original digital image.

Sunshine Graffiti: Stage One Pop Art

Stay Tuned for Completed Sunshine Pop Image!

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